What is a naturally reared pup?

Natural Rearing is much more than just a diet (although this is a huge factor for us, see below); it is a holistic approach to life. Simply put… it’s about utilizing the old time, natural ways, essentially caring for your dogs as closely to nature as possible. It’s about eliminating inappropriate and toxic substances from every area of life - avoiding chemical assaults in the garden as well as household cleaners.

It’s about Not putting toxic substances on or in our dogs– this includes flea, tick, worm & vaccine poisons. 

This approach is completely different than what most people are used to when it comes to raising their puppies, as most puppies go to the traditional veterinary clinic for vaccines at 6-8 weeks and then on a puppy care program, for the first year at least, with up to 16 different vaccines plus flea, tick and heartworm meds.  All in the first year of life!

In natural rearing none of that happens to our pups. Naturally reared puppies are safeguarded against commercialism and chemical compounds.

It’s about removing all unsuitable and toxic ingredients from every area of their little lives. Avoiding all kinds of chemical assaults in general, especially from the conventional veterinary recommendations.

Moving away from conventional practices to a more natural way of raising a dog is a trend that is here to stay.

Natural Rearing is not a passing fad … it is a lifestyle. Commitment to it will change your dog’s life and your view of the world.  For more information on buying a naturally reared puppy click here

We want our puppies’ new family to relish the commitment they are making and we help them every step of the way. We provide full instructions and there is plenty of support from our other families in our private facebook group. 

Our border collies thrive on Natural Rearing
& we have experienced that this is
the most optimal method of feeding and rearing
which raises and maintains the dogs overall good health and vitality

What is RMF (Rotational MonoFeeding)?

RMF is a method of feeding and care that prevents and even reverses disease in pets.


Our dogs are on a rotation of:
2 (raw) meat days (mainly chicken legs with regular additional of organ meat and fish),
1 fast day (eases the digestive burden and allows the body to make any repairs needed),
3 fruit days (also eases digestive burden, while hydrating and continuing healing and support of natural bodily cleaning systems),
then back to 2 meat days. Different rotations are used for different requirements, depending on how much healing is required. 
For more information and many testimonials on RMF go to:
www.nomorevetbills.com and  www.rotationalmonofeeding.com

The 21,000 member facebook page is valuable for support and knowledge. https://www.facebook.com/groups/healingdietfordogsandcats/

As this awareness is growing worldwide we are making such a positive impact on many pets health and lives. Once you know, there is no turning back and I will always promote what results in the health of my pets over the huge & lucrative sick dog industry.

I have owned dogs & cats all my life and found that following the set vaccination/ worming protocols NEVER resulted in healthier animals. They had skin issues, flea problems, cancers & other issues. I have not vaccinated any animal for over 15 years and they are all so healthy and have never been to the vet.
Removal of these toxic drugs with the addition of the RMF protocol has resulted in happy, healthy dogs that don’t attract worms, don’t smell, don't need to go to the vet and are vitally healthy - living longer lives.

I encourage you to read more on this subject.
Consider the source of the information and how vaccinating/medicating or not might affect their income. 
More reading on vaccination:

You simply CANNOT
poison (via inappropriate food, injections, drugs)
a dog to health.